My property is a website designed to tell you about services and facilities in your local area.
© Crown Copyright and database right 2025. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100019317.
Private Rented Sector Housing Licences Data
While every effort has been made to ensure the data is current and accurate, errors can occur and Nottingham City Council is not responsible for any loss or damage due to errors or omissions. This data is regularly updated and may be subject to change and no liability is accepted for any reliance upon it.
The data does not include details of any current enforcement action being undertaken which may impact upon the licence status of the property or whether or not an application is confirmed as duly made. As such further enquiries may be necessary to fully establish the licensing status of a property. Therefore, any actions taken as a result of the information displayed on the site are undertaken entirely at the viewer's own risk.
For further information about HMO licences contact, and about selective licences contact
You can find a map showing current and expired licensing boundaries on Nottinghamhire Insight Mapping.
More information
You can find more information about your local area using Nottinghamshire Insight Mapping, our full-featured web mapping system. It contains all of the data which drives My Property, and lots more.